GRMS is a must for any hotel that offers the respective guest a welcoming and convenient stay with enhanced energy efficiency. AHME aims to supply the most advanced hotel GRMS through a wideset of smart systems ranging from switches to capacitive glass touch control to enable functions. BMS integration with KNX GRMS is a simple but efficient way.
"Do Not Disturb"
Make up Room
Lighting Control
"Switching, Dimming & Scene Control"
"Temperature Control"
All-in-one Hotel management
Integrated with Fidelio/Protel
Detailed overview of all rooms
Room status (make up room, do not disturb)
Extended guest information
Message processing
Check in and check out information incl. room change
MICROS Fidelio certified
or as stand-alone solution
Bring your own device
Easy access to the room visualization via QR code
Guests use their own smart phone (Android and iOS supported)
Check in and check out information incl. room change
Check in process
Check in via Fidelio, Protel or manually via Web Manager
Time limited room visualization access is created
The guest receives a QR code for the installation of the app
App is installed on the guest´s smartphone and automatically configured
The guest can control the assigned room using his/her own smart phone
Room control
Only for the assigned hotel room
Fully customizable user interface (integration of corporate identity, hotel logo)
Valid only during the booked period
Allows control of lighting, shutters/blinds and HVAC in the room and everything else that is integrated via KNX, BACnet, Modbus, …
Secure visualization
Room access QR codes are renewed for every guest
Access to room control is automatically revoked after checkout
- 0-10V drive interface as dimming outputs or fan coil
- Logic, Time and Scene group functions
- Support KNXnet/IP Tunneling
- Support KNXnet/IP Router
Room Controller Premium
- Dry contact inputs
- Switch outputs
- Shutter control outputs
- 0/1-10V dimming outputs
- Fan coil output
- Manual operation and LED indication for outputs
- RS485 protocol conversion
- KNXnet/IP protocol conversion
Presence Sensor with Constant Lighting
- Brightness measuring
- Motion detector and Presence detector
- The brightness measuring via internal light sensor or
- Presence detector additional HVAC applications
- Motion or Presence detector can be integrated
control with ambient brightness
- Use as single device or as main detector, respectively
secondary detector
- Sequence operation for the Motion or Presence
- Integrated 2-level light control (switching)
- Integrated constant light level control (dimming)
Motion and Brightness Sensor-8M
- Illumination measure: 0lux~65535lux
- Movement detector area: mounting height * 2, max. diameter is 8m
- Logic (AND, OR, XOR) function among illumination value, movement detector value and input value, 4.Output with 3 data types, the output values can be sent cyclically
- Support Master-Slave interworking setting, the master output with 3 data types
- Illumination disabled, Movement detector disabled
and logic disabled function
Air Quality sensor PCR
- Temperature, humidity detection and display
- AQI (Air quality index) detection and display
- CO2 detection and display
- Warning for AQI, CO2, temperature or humidity
above the setting value
- AQI level control
- Heating or cooling control
- Humidity level control
- CO2 control
- Logic control functions
UV-C Anti COVID-19
Air Circulating + UVC Air disinfecting + Lighting
Reduce your hotel room back in-service from 6 hours to only 2 hours.