When deciding to install a solar energy system in your home, it’s important to choose whether it will be
off-grid. This decision has a huge impact on the components, cost, and ease of installation. That’s why you should pick the system that best fits your needs.
An on-grid solar energy system connects to the grid of a utility company, allowing your solar panels to send electricity to the company when the panels generate more electricity than you need. Your own system can also borrow power from the utility company if you’re using more electricity than you’re generating.
An off-grid solar power system, however, is completely separate from that of a utility company. You’re responsible for installing batteries and backup generators to deal with situations where there’s too much or too little power.
An on-grid solar power system typically requires far less components than an off-grid one. This is because connecting your personal grid to that of a utility company’s grid allows you to make use of the components they already have. So there’s less electrical work for you to do when setting up your system at the beginning.
With an off-grid solar power system, you’re responsible for everything. You’ll have to get extra components like batteries – which are not always environmentally friendly –, backup generators, and other components in order to get your system up and running. This typically requires more expertise, as the different parts must be compatible with one another.
Because on-grid power systems have less components, they’re often cheaper to set up. You can also save some money on your power bill by sending excess energy to the utility company – often called net metering. Yet some utility companies do not allow net metering, or do not give enough credit, so the amount saved can differ based on the utility company you connect to.
In contrast, an off-grid solar power system has a higher startup cost. This is because getting extra components can be expensive. Maintaining all of these parts can also be costly in the long-run, as there are many more things to repair and replace if they get damaged.
While off-grid solar power systems are more expensive and have more components to worry about, many prefer them because of their reliability. Because you have your own personal power grid, you’re immune from any grid failures that can affect the utility company. This can be a massive advantage for those living in an area where power frequently goes down, or which lacks proper infrastructure.
On the other hand, an on-grid solar power system will fail if the electrical company’s grid fails. This is done intentionally to prevent your solar panels from delivering electricity that could harm the utility company’s workers as they try to fix the issue. So if you’re dealing with constant power outages, switching to an on-grid solar power system will not help you.
Another benefit of off-grid solar power systems is that they require less paperwork to get started. You’re building your own grid that does not affect others, so there are far fewer restrictions and the process is typically much easier.
This isn’t the case with on-grid solar power systems. You’ll often have to prepare several documents such as a No Objection Certificate (NOC), as well documents on the maintenance and operation of your system. This is all to ensure the utility company that you are using appropriate and safe components that will not harm anyone or damage the company’s infrastructure.
Hybrid Solar Energy System:
Both on-grid and off-grid solar power systems have their unique advantages, which is why some people prefer to get the best of both worlds with a
hybrid solar power system. This type of system has both batteries and a connection to a utility company’s grid.
The clear advantages are that you can transfer electricity to or from the utility company to gain credits that reduce your monthly bill, or which can provide you with extra power when your solar panels aren’t enough – much like on-grid energy systems.
You can also have the reliability that comes with off-grid energy systems, as your batteries can provide electricity if the grid fails. You’ll also often install components that prevent a utility company’s shutdown from affecting your own personal power system.
Unfortunately, having the benefits of both on-grid and off-grid solar power systems means that you’ll have to accept some disadvantages that come with these energy systems. You’ll have to deal with the high cost of installing extra components, like in off-grid systems. You’ll also have to deal with the extra paperwork that comes with adding your power system to the utility company’s grid.
Contact Us:
You can also learn more about on-grid, off-grid, and hybrid solar power systems by contacting us at
info@ahme.ae. We can also assist you by installing these systems, so don’t hesitate to contact us.